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Company Strategy

In most companies, the overarching goal of a corporate strategy is the maximization of profits. First, a strategy is devised, then the necessary resources are acquired, and finally the company endeavors to maximize earnings.
At ADVANCE Co., Ltd., however, everything begins with our corporate philosophy. The central framework for this philosophy is our consideration of the needs of people and the environment. As a company that cares for people and the environment, we bring our ideas to fruition through a creative process of research and development and by opening new markets with the products those R&D efforts generate. This process is the core, guiding concept of ADVANCE.

The role of strategy at ADVANCE is to turn ideas into real achievements. At ADVANCE, the ideas themselves determine the essential outline of our strategy. Our basic strategy for shaping ideas into reality is twofold. First, we push creativity to the limits, recognizing that the greatest value lies in radical new paradigms that break with the past to deliver meaningful benefits to society. Second, we build a creative workplace where people of divergent ideas can test, modify and merge their inspirations, creating new ideas in the process.

Implementing these ideas requires a variety of resources, including people, materials, funds, knowledge, information and trust. For most companies, acquiring these resources is the object of their efforts. For us, they are the means by which we turn ideas into real solutions. The specific formats and conditions by which we execute our strategy are the product of careful deliberation over scheduling, decision-making, organization and management systems.

The foregoing is a brief outline of ADVANCE's flow of corporate strategic thinking. Of course, the times are constantly changing. Wrenching changes are the norm in all aspects of society, including technology, ideas, cultures and values. All of the industries familiar to us today will eventually change beyond recognition or simply be wiped out, to be replaced by completely new markets and industries. This is why our strategy at ADVANCE is to be proactive in effecting changes, embracing the challenge of creating industries and markets of the future. That determination drives our R&D strategy based on creativity.