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Advanced Medical Device Institute

The Advanced Medical Device Institute engages in the development of technologies and products to be used in future medical practice. Our major themes include the development of dental examination equipment and information management systems, and the research and development of technologies that will be instrumental in molecular- and cell-level research of life science.

With respect to products for dental clinics, because the rapid progress of computerization in the dental service industry is expected with the transition to computerized dental receipts, which is scheduled to be completed in 2011, we are working toward the objective of developing innovative examination equipment and building a comprehensive and effective information management system that can improve operating efficiency and provide for more extensive informed consent.

Taking advantage of our experience with a wide variety of products for dental clinics and our connection with industry-related institutions, we collect local input by inviting dentists to workshops and reflect the knowledge obtained there in our product development.

We also have an extensive portfolio of research findings and products in the area of life science, making contributions to the development of this field. We are currently working on the research and development of a unique cell processing technology, which we envision, when established, could make life science research more efficient and precise. We will promote our efforts toward the ultimate goal of clinical application of this technology.

Since most of our R&D themes have the potential for commercialization in the relatively near future, we are conscious of how our technologies will take shape as products from the early phases of R&D. Our daily activities, therefore, include not only basic experiments, but also the design and fabrication of prototypes using 3D-CAD, miniaturization of control circuit boards, design and development of user interfaces, and so on. These efforts enable us to propose specific shapes and movements of products to potential users from the early stages of R&D and capitalize on their input throughout the product development process.